Videographer Dan Vornovitskii

Videographer Dan Vornovitskii

Кількість перемог в головних конкурсах
Відео дня
Вибір редакції
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Сумарний бал за 20 найрейтинговіших відео за останні два роки

Про мене

Цінова категорія:Преміум
My cameras which I use: Sony Бездзеркальна.
Hello there, my name is Dan Vornovitskii. I have been filming weddings around the world for more than 5 years now. During my journey, I have developed my own approach and style to a wedding day videography which is making a cinematic film that captures true human emotions without me being in your way or asking you to pose for the camera. This said, I will be there the whole day but won't be a distraction at all. This is what couples love about me – I don't add up to their nervousness!
Користувач WEVSY.COM з 8 січня 2020 р.