Videographer Amid Films

Videographer Amid Films

Кількість перемог в головних конкурсах
Відео дня
Вибір редакції
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Сумарний бал за 20 найрейтинговіших відео за останні два роки

Про мене

Цінова категорія:Standard
My cameras which I use: Sony Бездзеркальна.
My name is Vlad N. Ever since childhood, I would love to create home videos of anything I could. After receiving an incredible opportunity to work with Aperina Studios, I learned everything there is to know about filming weddings. Taking all that I've learned, I started my own company and have been operating as a separate business for 4 years. I am looking forward to the many more years of growth and memories this industry has to offer.
Користувач WEVSY.COM з 6 березня 2020 р.