Videographer The Brothers Martens

Videographer The Brothers Martens

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Fiyat aralığı:Ayrıcalıklı
Kullandığım kameralarım: Sony Aynasız.
Henry Martens is a wedding filmmaker based out of Dallas, TX.
Henryʼs career was jump-started in mid 2014 when he mistakenly won an eBay bid for his first camera. After borrowing the money from his brother, he sold all his music equipment to pay him back and quickly decided to withdraw from school to pursue filmmaking full-time.
In 2015 he was the winner of the Wedding Film category for the ColorUp Competition hosted by FilmConvert. Since then, he has spent most of his time travelling for work to locations such as Bali, Italy, France, Iceland, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico.
He believes that his quick rise in the industry from local to destination wedding filmmaker is a direct result of his work ethic and attention to detail. Henry insists that the only limit on your career is correlated to your stamina you have to push through rejection and correction.
since 11 Ocak 2018 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi