Videographer Tamas Nagy

Videographer Tamas Nagy

Ana Müsabakalarda kazanç sayısı
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Son iki yılın en iyi 20 videosu için toplam puan


Fiyat aralığı:Standart
Kullandığım kameralarım: Panasonic Aynasız.
In my entire life I was searching for a passion, which I can live for and put all my enthusiasm, effort, time and everything I have into to make something extraordinary. I found this passion in making videos, which is my fulltime job for 1,5 years now, and I can't be more happy and setisfied for my life than that. I love to create, and to work with other people on projects of all types and I work hard to make my way as high as possible on this life long journey of filmmaking. :)
since 19 Aralık 2020 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi