Videographer Kevin Rist

Videographer Kevin Rist

Ana Müsabakalarda kazanç sayısı
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Son iki yılın en iyi 20 videosu için toplam puan


Fiyat aralığı:Standart
Kullandığım kameralarım: Sony Aynasız, Sony kamera.
Kevin Rist is a seasoned travel photographer and videographer who has been able to dip his hand into many different genres while on the road. If a project involves a way to help inspire the world, Kevin will be the first to jump for the opportunity.
Starting out as a second shooter for wedding videos, Kevin rapidly strengthened his technical and creative skills to provide creative services as a full-time career. His greatest understanding is that his interaction with clients and their experience with him is just as important as the quality of work he provides. The warm, vibrant, and colorful style seen in his work is a near reflection of his own personality that many people get to enjoy.
since 13 Mart 2018 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi