Videographer Toms Rubins

Videographer Toms Rubins

Ana Müsabakalarda kazanç sayısı
Günün videoları
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Haftanın mücadelelerinde kazanılan kazanç sayısı
Son iki yılın en iyi 20 videosu için toplam puan


Fiyat aralığı:Standart
Kullandığım kameralarım: Sony Aynasız, DJI Drone.
I like to think of myself as a minimalist person. I prefer to find joy in the most simple things, like - being present in the moment, having a real conversation, experiencing people's laughs, being out in nature, and engaging in other simple pleasures. I'm also not the biggest fan of stereotypes.
You only have ONE wedding day.
Forget about everyone else’s expectations and get married the way YOU want.
Let’s get in touch and make your “I Do’s!” look really special.
Some local achievements worth mentioning:
Latvia's best wedding videographer 2023 - 1st place | LKFVA.LV
Latvia's best wedding videographer 2022 - Judge | LKFVA.LV
Latvia's best wedding videographer 2021 - 1st place | LKFVA.LV
Latvia's best wedding videographer 2020 - 3rd place | LKFVA.LV
since 1 Aralık 2023 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi