kameraman Dmitriy Stanchev
Mesaj gönder
- Videolar 15
Fiyat aralığı:Standart
Kullandığım kameralarım: Sony kamera, GoPro Aksiyon Kamerası.
My name is Dimitar Stanchev. I was born and raised in Ukraine. I have a law degree and initially shooting videos was just a hobby, something we enjoyed doing with a friend of mine. It took some time until we finally made the decision to turn our passion into our profession. The first thing we did was to open our own studio, where we started shooting audio and video advertisements. As people learned about what we do, they started contacting us for shooting their weddings. While we recorded those moments we were amazed by the emotions that inevitably accompany that special day - the smiles and the tears of joy and love. It all made us work that much harder, to look for new ideas and offer something different, until eventually one day, shooting weddings became our dream profession.
A couple of years later I moved to Bulgaria, where I keep on working as a video operator, offering my experience, dedication and a unique point of view when recording one of the most sacred moments in the live
since 21 Mart 2017 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi
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