kameraman Daniele  Melara

kameraman Daniele Melara

Günün videoları
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Haftanın mücadelelerinde kazanılan kazanç sayısı
Son iki yılın en iyi 20 videosu için toplam puan


Fiyat aralığı:Ayrıcalıklı
A unique approach to Wedding videography
My shooting style for your wedding video is simple. I work in a discreet way, that most times means transforming myself into one of your wedding guests, so you will not realize that there is a videographer at your celebrations. The work is very discreet. My cameras are small , I don’t use lights or noise and other artifacts. Very simply, I will watch you like the other guests. After all it is a marriage before God and I think large, showy things are not necessary. I actually think that in most cases they can distract people from what should be the main goal – to create a beautiful wedding video, made withnatural lights and a good composition.
since 8 Ekim 2015 tarihinden beri WEVSY.COM üyesi


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