Emanuela & Andre /ViLLA CIMBRONE
This is the short trailer of Emanuela & Andre - Wedding film in Villa Cimbrone // Ravello, Italy , 12 Sempttember 2016
Amazing couple on the top of the Amalfi Coast in Ravello, to Villa Cimbrone
Filmmaker : Valerio Magliano
Facebook: facebook.com/vmagliano
Twitter: @valeriomagliano
/ValerioMagliano VIMEOpro user @2016/2017 licensed
Amazing couple on the top of the Amalfi Coast in Ravello, to Villa Cimbrone
Filmmaker : Valerio Magliano
Facebook: facebook.com/vmagliano
Twitter: @valeriomagliano
/ValerioMagliano VIMEOpro user @2016/2017 licensed