En İyi Videographer

63 katılımcı
The Annual Best Videographer Award is the highest award given to the videographer who is a cameraman, a video editor and a designer all in one for outstanding achievements in wedding videography
Maksimum 5 dakika.


40 Idol
Ruzal Akhmadyshev (Kazan, Rusya)
Sergey Glebko (St. Petersburg, Rusya)
MitoPRO (DmitryMito) (Rostov-na-Donu, Rusya)
Stefan Mirea (Bükreş, Romanya)
Roman Ivenkov (St. Petersburg, Rusya)
Riccardo Fasoli (Düsseldorf, Almanya)
Life Motion Video (Belo Horizonte, Brezilya)
Bojan Mitkovski (Bitola, Kuzey Makedonya)
Nelson Coelho (Luxembourg, Lüksemburg)
Andrey Patlep (Novorossiysk, Rusya)
Daniele Donati Films (Ancona, İtalya)
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