Видеограф Vasile Porav

Видеограф Vasile Porav

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Обо мне

Ценовая категория:Стандарт
Мои камеры, которые я использую: Sony Беззеркальная.
First I want to thank you for stoping by on my profile. My adventure on the videography started in 2006.
Very fast became a passion.
By the middle of 2011 I turned my attention to fulfilling a dream I had since I was little. That's how I came to the United Kingdom where I managed to live with the different cultures of the world for just a bit over seven years.
This experience made me feel fulfilled.
Over the course of the seven years things have progressed and now we have the pleasure to capture love stories not only in the United Kingdom but also around the world. At the moment we are a team of 2 on this amazing adventure of videography.
Пользователь WEVSY.COM с 4 февраля 2019 г.