Видеограф Aram Voskanyan

Видеограф Aram Voskanyan

Количество побед в главных конкурсах
Видео дня
Выбор редакции
Количество побед в Битвах недели
Суммарный балл за 20 самых рейтинговых видео за последние два года

Обо мне

Ценовая категория:Стандарт
Мои камеры, которые я использую: Fujifilm Беззеркальная.
Hello, my name is Aram — I am a video artist.
I have been engaged in video production for more than 6 years. I do not just create videos, my work is a stylish and concise wedding movie, where there is no place for stamps. Each film is unique — it's a story about you and about your day, so my works evoke emotions in everyone who watches them.
Open a portfolio, get acquainted with the stories of lovers. You will see with what feeling each video was created. It will be the same with yours, because I put my whole soul into every job.
The art of seeing and hearing you on your special day is my work:
• ready within 4-8 weeks, transfer of material via cloud storage;
• storage of finished material for 2 months;
• free consultation at all stages of preparation;
• we conclude a contract with you, where all the conditions and my duties will be spelled out.
• I live in Moscow, work around the world.
Пользователь WEVSY.COM с 18 августа 2019 г.