Видеограф Aurelian Mirea

Видеограф Aurelian Mirea

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Обо мне

Ценовая категория:Премиум
Мои камеры, которые я использую: Panasonic Беззеркальная, DJI Дрон.
For me, the event videography, especially the one related to weddings and baptisms, is a lifestyle. Even if at first it was just a passion for a new style of visual expression, today, this passion is a full time job. I am a husband, father and visual artist with background in painting and photography. I'm located in Bucharest and I'm always interested in new opportunities and experiences, whilst meeting people with beautiful stories.
I'm Aurelian Mirea and I want to know your story.
Пользователь WEVSY.COM с 15 февраля 2018 г.