6 / 14
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Elegant wedding in Lisbon, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба, юмор
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - I love this girl, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Elegant New Yorkers marry classical Lisbon elegant-new-yorkers, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Победитель Битвы недели
3 — 9 мая 2020 г.
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Areias do Seixo Wedding, аэросъёмка, свадьба
Победитель Битвы недели
6 — 12 февраля 2021 г.
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - A wedding in Lisbon, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Победитель Битвы недели
1 — 7 мая 2020 г.
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Eloping in Scotland | Gràdh Geal Mo Chridh’ | Fair Love Of My Heart, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - The light of my love | Paris Elopement, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - 2018 | Retrospective, аэросъёмка, бэкстейдж, лавстори, свадьба, событие
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Tea for two & two for tea, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - You can't outrun my love, свадьба
Победитель Битвы недели
3 — 9 августа 2020 г.
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Wedding Festival, аэросъёмка, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo, Guimaraes, Португалия - Elopement wedding at Bussaco Palace Hotel, свадьба
Победитель Битвы недели
1 — 7 мая 2020 г.

Eloping in Scotland | Gràdh Geal Mo Chridh’ | Fair Love Of My Heart

"Ged nach eil sinn fhathast pòsd’
Tha mi’n dòchas gum bi
Fhad’ ‘s a mhaireas mo dhà dhòrn
Cha bhith lòn oirnn a dhìth"

We were searching for something meaningful to include in Chelsea and Brendan’s elopement film, when we found this Gaelic poem/song. It translates roughly to:

"Although we are not yet married
I hope we will be
As long as there is strength in my two fists
We will want for nothing"

That’s how we decided to begin the film.

“You have such nice weather in Portugal”. Yes we do! And we’re so used to it that shooting a wedding in the not-so-sunny-look-it’s-raining-again Scotland in the middle of December (it gets dark at 3pm) can present itself as the biggest challenge!

Well, if it rains, it rains! We wrapped our cameras in plastic and hoped for the best.

Chelsea and Brendan decided to tie the knot in the Ayr definetely not for its sunny weather, so we have to incorporate the rain in their movie. But do you want to know about the best part of it? After the ceremony it stopped raining, and we even had a bit of sun in the end.

All in all, it was a pretty good day!
Видеограф Vanessa and Ivo
Guimaraes, Португалия


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