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Выбор редакции
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - ShowReel 2017, свадьба, шоурил
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - Wedding Day Pavel and Sofia, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - Love in the city, лавстори, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - Love of Art, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - #ANRealWedding Никиты и Алёны Пресняковых, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - Nugzari&Julia.Umbria.Italy., аэросъёмка, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - #BolshoiWedding Artem&Anna., аэросъёмка, свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев, Москва, Россия - Stanislav&Galina. 09.08.14. Highlights., свадьба

Wedding Day Pavel and Sofia

Moments, glances and touches. Beautiful love story with bright shades of sincere emotions and clear accents. We were captivated by the tenderness and romance in the sands on the Mediterranean coast and the solemnity of the moment in a beautiful medieval castle which is known for the the "Game of Thrones" shooting and entertainments of Spanish kings. But Sofia and Pavel being so sincere and real created the main part of the story. It is always important for us to understand the values of the couple and their inner world. We remembered shooting days spent with Sonia and Pasha for perfect atmosphere, Spanish hospitality and expectation of a miracle.
The main characters of our stories are you and your feelings, which are eternal. That's what we are trying to keep for you in our films.

Тел. 89036954311




#andreevmedia #wedding #weddingmoscow

#видеографСергейАндреев #свадьбавмоскве #свадьба #москва

#видеооператор #видеограф

#видеосъемка #свадьба2017 #wedding
·18 319 просмотров·#свадьба
Видеограф Сергей Андреев
Москва, Россия


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