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Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Chrissy + Jack, аэросъёмка, свадьба, событие, юмор
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Alana + Alex, лавстори, свадьба, событие
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Kat + Campbell, Australia, свадьба, событие
Выбор редакции
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Jelly + Ben, аэросъёмка, свадьба, событие
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Dana + Darrin, аэросъёмка, свадьба, событие
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - annabel + andrew. best groom reaction ever., свадьба, событие
Видеограф Motion Reel Films, Канберра, Австралия - Nathalie - a mother's love, детское

Chrissy + Jack

Chrissy and Jack met on a dance floor 9 years ago. When they approached us about filming their wedding, there was one thing that was really important to them, and that was making it FUN! They spent a lot of time and effort in planning everything so that their guests had the most amazing weekend away. Trimming down the bridal crew to 5 groomsmen and 5 bridesmaids each was a massive feat as they are both very social people who are amazingly loyal to their families and friends. Chrissy and Jack wanted their film to have an upbeat and really fun vibe – enough said! It would have been impossible not to do this anyway as it really was just one big party!

Film - Motion Reel Films https://motionreelfilms.com
Location - Mona Farm https://monafarm.com.au/
Photographer - Natasha Maree Photography https://natashamareephotography.com/
Flowers - Fionna Tamin https://www.peonynpearl.com.au/
Makeup - Megan Vaughan https://www.makeupbymegan.com.au/
Hair - Stephanie Savvoudiou https://www.stephhair.com/
Dress - Claire Home Designs https://www.instagram.com/clairehomedesigns/?hl=en
Suits - Oscar Hunt https://www.oscarhunt.com.au/
Bridesmaid Dresses - Zimmermann https://www.zimmermannwear.com/
Music - Paul Chennard and Amy Chase https://www.movida.net.au/
Videographer Motion Reel Films
Канберра, Австралия


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