Numărul de victorii {br}în concur
GrAward 2020
Video-urile zilei
Alegerea editorilor
Numărul de victorii în Batalia săptămânii
Punctajul total pentru 20 cele mai bune lucrări video din ultimii doi ani
Trimite un mesaj
- Video-uri 12
Despre mine
Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Sony Mirrorless.
We are a story-tellers. We love real-life stories: Weddings, Christenings, days full of
roller-coaster feelings. In our opinion, this wide variety of emotions is what
makes a day great and a story greater. Having a discreet presence, I record
spontaneous moments without interfering with their creation. With narrative,
timeless style, and special aesthetics in the frame, we record real-life stories.
With a photographic look and still shots, we use framing composition techniques and that results in photos with movement, even though it happens without moving the camera.
Our style is more handheld because in this way we can successfully capture each emotion separately. Our wish for you is to relive the emotions of that day through our videos. Remember everything from that day including all the things that you might have missed.
roller-coaster feelings. In our opinion, this wide variety of emotions is what
makes a day great and a story greater. Having a discreet presence, I record
spontaneous moments without interfering with their creation. With narrative,
timeless style, and special aesthetics in the frame, we record real-life stories.
With a photographic look and still shots, we use framing composition techniques and that results in photos with movement, even though it happens without moving the camera.
Our style is more handheld because in this way we can successfully capture each emotion separately. Our wish for you is to relive the emotions of that day through our videos. Remember everything from that day including all the things that you might have missed.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 30 ianuarie 2012
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