Videographer Studio Trawers Wedding Brand

Videographer Studio Trawers Wedding Brand

Numărul de victorii {br}în concur
Video-urile zilei
Alegerea editorilor
Numărul de victorii în Batalia săptămânii
Punctajul total pentru 20 cele mai bune lucrări video din ultimii doi ani

Despre mine

Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: DJI Dronă, Canon DSLR, Sony Mirrorless.
The difference between a wedding videographer and a wedding film maker is that a videographer will record your day and present it to you whereas a wedding film maker will turn it into a well produced story that is customized for each specific couple.
Studio Trawers is a brand that produces memories in a cinematic style.
We create a picture, a movie .. we create history.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 16 martie 2021