Videographer StudioBlitz

Videographer StudioBlitz

Numărul de victorii {br}în concur
Video-urile zilei
Alegerea editorilor
Numărul de victorii în Batalia săptămânii
Punctajul total pentru 20 cele mai bune lucrări video din ultimii doi ani

Despre mine

Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Sony DSLR, Sony Mirrorless, Canon DSLR.
For me it's important to capture emotion on camera but also profesional video frames combined with cinematic knowledge.. My approach is to create wedding films that place the bride and groom in a realistic and at the same time artistic stories. StudioBlitz it's my soul project and i dedicate important moments of my life to create outstanding emotions for my clients. I hope you enjoy my films as much as i do.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 29 septembrie 2011