Videographer REC TIME films

Videographer REC TIME films

Video-urile zilei
Alegerea editorilor
Numărul de victorii în Batalia săptămânii
Punctajul total pentru 20 cele mai bune lucrări video din ultimii doi ani

Despre mine

Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Blackmagic Cinema, Sony DSLR.
We are Isayev brothers, and we are second-generation videographers!Our father instilled in us a passion for capturing time, because he himself began his journey in wedding videography at a fairly young age. Without a doubt, he was our main inspiration. We were lucky enough to be born together and fall in love with the same work. For both of us, there is nothing more exciting than meeting new people and being part of an important event in a couple’s life. We love drinking coffee and watching movies.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 31 mai 2015


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