Videographer David Salebe
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- Video-uri 4
Despre mine
Gama de pret:Standard
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Panasonic Mirrorless, Canon DSLR.
It all started when...
While I was living in New York City working in a Italian cafe in the west village, I got to meet hollywood actors and actresses, producers and film directors I couldn't help falling in love with cinematography. It's been a while now I have done videos with Tommy Hilfiger, Naomi Campbell and recorded events with Jay Z, Diddy, Will i.a.m and more and even worked for high profile fashion photographers where I got to meet more famous people.
My style of work is non-traditional and the day of filming is extremely unobtrusive as we are looking to capture authentic footage that remains true to the event ( natural-candid-raw emotions)
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 12 ianuarie 2018
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