Videographer Pablo Caviglia
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Despre mine
Gama de pret:Standard
Pablo Caviglia is Co Founder and creative director of OU CLOCK, since 2009. He studied Image and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires. For 8 years, he worked as the Director of the show Scenarios of Buenos Aires -Canal A- awarded two Martín Fierro prizes to Best Cultural Show. He also wrote, directed and participated in fiction films, documentaries, institutional videos and advertisements.
What I enjoy the most is to document good stories, good people. I always look for films to be narrations through images, music and audio, real stories. True documentary films, of real people going though transcendental moments in their lives. I do not make artifices. I rely on the emotions that are happening, on the cinematographic language to show them, on my own perception and on the arduous work of editing.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 15 ianuarie 2017
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