Videographer Fabrizio Soldano

Videographer Fabrizio Soldano

Numărul de victorii {br}în concur
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Numărul de victorii în Batalia săptămânii
Punctajul total pentru 20 cele mai bune lucrări video din ultimii doi ani

Despre mine

Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Sony Mirrorless, DJI Dronă.
I’m a professional wedding videographer active throughout Italy. I create the wedding video in Sicily, Tuscany (Florence, Chianti, Siena), Rome, Lake Como, Amalfi, Puglia, Venice and other exclusive place.
I always liked the cinema, for that reason, since I started working as a wedding videographer, my first goal was to describe the wedding as if it were a movie: exciting, unique and addictive. I wanted everyone to remain fantastically fascinated by something precious.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 14 februarie 2013