Studio Slaven Blagsic

Studio Slaven Blagsic

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Despre mine

Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Canon DSLR.
Slaven Blagsic is the owner of Cinemart Motion Picture and recognized cinematographer all over the world. His work has been featured in high end magazines: Grace Ormonde Wedding Style Magazine, Maharani Weddings, Wedding Sutra, South Asian Bride, Novelty Bride Magazine, Indian Wedding Site, Once Wed, Ceremony Magazine etc.
He is a person with the passion and an eye for a fine details that will make your wedding an ultimate artistic experience. Slaven is always striving for perfection and he is determined in making only the best quality of his work. Friendly and highly professional approach are his main characteristics.
His musical background and the polished sense for beat has largely influenced his work. Synergy of music and footage joined in one unique story is a distinctive feature of his films recognised by many couples and top wedding experts.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 14 februarie 2013