Videographer Rafael Alfaro
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- Video-uri 3
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Gama de pret:Premium
Camera mea principală pe care o folosesc: Sony Mirrorless, Panasonic Mirrorless.
Wedding Films for the Mavericks of the World"
- If you seek unconventional, your search ends here. We approach every Wedding Film with an open mind, using creativity, intuition and most importantly what we see and experience during your day to carefully hand-craft Your Story. Challenge us with your beautiful and unique minds, inspire us with your trendsetting abilities, and intrigue us with your eccentric ways, and we promise.....we'll create some magic.
- If you seek unconventional, your search ends here. We approach every Wedding Film with an open mind, using creativity, intuition and most importantly what we see and experience during your day to carefully hand-craft Your Story. Challenge us with your beautiful and unique minds, inspire us with your trendsetting abilities, and intrigue us with your eccentric ways, and we promise.....we'll create some magic.
Utilizatorul WEVSY.COM 17 aprilie 2019
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