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Videograf Pablo  Caviglia din Buenos Aires, Argentina - Equality, eveniment, logodna, nunta
Videograf Pablo  Caviglia din Buenos Aires, Argentina - Between us, SDE, eveniment, filmare cu drona, logodna, nunta
Alegerea editorilor
Videograf Pablo  Caviglia din Buenos Aires, Argentina - I promise, eveniment, filmare cu drona, invitație, logodna, nunta


On July 15, 2010, Argentina became the first Latin American country to allow same-sex marriage, through the enactment of Law 26,618, known as the "Equal Marriage Law." This political and social event recognized the populations of sexual diversity as subjects of rights. The story of Samy and Nair, through the eyes of their daughter, reflects the immense diversity of family love and the result of many decades of struggle for equal rights.
·9.742 vizualizari·#eveniment#logodna#nunta
Videographer Pablo  Caviglia
Buenos Aires, Argentina


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