7 / 18
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - A Love Story on Syros, nunta
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Ilia & Flavio | Wedding in Syros island, Greece, nunta
Câștigătorul Bătălia săptămânii
7 — 13 noiembrie 2024
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Ilia & Flavio | coming soon, nunta
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Joan & Peter | The wedding film, filmare cu drona, nunta
Câștigătorul Bătălia săptămânii
19 — 25 noiembrie 2024
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - True love, SDE, filmare cu drona, nunta
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Nadia & Chris | A wonderfull wedding in Greece, SDE, nunta
Video-ul Zilei
13 mai 2022
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Family, SDE, baby
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Manolis & Eleni | An amazing wedding in Syros | The wedding clip, SDE, erotic, filmare cu drona, nunta
Câștigătorul Bătălia săptămânii
21 — 27 decembrie 2021
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Philippe & Aurelie an amazing wedding in Tinos island, Greeece | Coming soon, SDE, nunta
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Beutifull Family Moments.., SDE, baby
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Mixalis & Eleni | A beautiful wedding in the island of Syros, SDE, filmare cu drona, nunta
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - ONO Concept | Syros | Your island on the Island !, SDE, filmare cu drona, publicitate, video corporativ
Videograf George  Roussos din Grecia - Kimwn’s Baptism film, SDE, baby, nunta
Video-ul Zilei
13 mai 2022


Family: A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage,
or adoption who live together; Saying that ,family also means pain, laughter

and love. It means belonging.

The bonded hearts create the social unit which

the children keep together. Saying the above, here comes the baptism of this
little seed of love, who sees no geographic or time limits.
Baptism comes as a commitment you made in your heart, a commitment that has to be followed

through and lived out on a daily basis. It's not easy but it's worth it.
·6.653 vizualizari·#SDE#baby


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