Videographer Sergey Solntsev

Videographer Sergey Solntsev

Número de vitórias em concursos principais
Vídeos do dia
Escolha do editor
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Pontuação total dos 20 melhores vídeos dos últimos dois anos

Sobre mim

Intervalo de preços:Premium
My cameras which I use: Canon DSLR, GoPro Action Cam, DJI Drone.
Фильм - как искусство об эмоциях, неподвластных времени. Для меня каждая съемка - это история чувств и эмоций людей, которые остаются на долгие годы.

The film is like an art about emotions that are beyond the control of time. For me, each survey is a story of the feelings and emotions of people that remain for years to come.
Membro WEVSY.COM desde 24 de janeiro de 2012