Videographer Alex Olteanu

Videographer Alex Olteanu

Número de vitórias em concursos principais
Vídeos do dia
Escolha do editor
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Pontuação total dos 20 melhores vídeos dos últimos dois anos

Sobre mim

Intervalo de preços:Premium
I work with pictures and do not just do my job ... my passion goes beyond my duty. I'm in a permanent competition with me and I always say I can do more. I am in photoshoot business from a young age, during which I combined theoretical knowledge with practice. I do not consider myself an artist, but I like to think I have a touch of talent ... plus the experience and a permanent desire to be at the height of expectations.
I'm WEVSY translator.
Membro WEVSY.COM desde 27 de setembro de 2017