Videographer deri septiawan

Videographer deri septiawan

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Sobre mim

Intervalo de preços:Standard
My cameras which I use: Sony Mirrorless, Sony Mirrorless.
I'm an observer and therefore I like to wait for the action to unfold to capture the unexpected actions and emotions that occur as the moment unfolds.
The concept I want to create is to tell a true story that happened at the wedding, sad, happy, and the emotions that occurred at that time can be captured in the picture.
There is nothing specific that I want to pursue, just work from the heart.
Every wedding has its own characteristics. have different stories, different circumstances, but apart from that I will package everything to the maximum.
with the aim that every wedding can be remembered, enjoyed by the bride and groom or the families involved in the wedding.
Membro WEVSY.COM desde 11 de janeiro de 2024