75 / 76
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Videógrafo Subinoy Das de Indianápolis, Estados Unidos - A Roller Coaster, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Vídeo do dia
1 de março de 2017
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Videógrafo Phosart Cinematography de Aten, Grécia - Wedding Showreel 2016, drone-video, showreel, wedding
Vídeo do dia
7 de março de 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
28 de março — 3 de abril de 2017
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Videógrafo Gione da Silva de Ipswich, Reino Unido - Jess + Ash // Cornwall Wedding Video, showreel, wedding
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Videógrafo Jwayne  Productions de Houston, Estados Unidos - Jwayne Productions Wedding Demo Reel, showreel, wedding
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Videógrafo Savvas Njovu Christides de Limassol, Chipre - Dajana & Stavros - Film Trailer, showreel, wedding
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Videógrafo PK video Films de Cracóvia, Polónia - Paulina & Jonasz, engagement, showreel, sport, wedding
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Videógrafo Shaxzod Pulatov de Toshkent, Uzbequistão - Wedding Highlight_Mirqodir&Sayyora, drone-video, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding
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Videógrafo Митя Буялич de São Petersburgo, Rússia - WEDDING AEROREEL, advertising, event, showreel, wedding
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Videógrafo LOOKMAN FILM de Bihać, Bósnia e Herzegovina - ROTTERDAM, drone-video, musical video, showreel
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Wedding Highlight_Mirqodir&Sayyora

Production: Shoxona Creative Group
Camera: RED Dragon 6K
Cameramen: Pulatov Bekhzod
Editor: Pulatov Shakhzod
Music: M83-Midnight
Studio Shaxzod Pulatov
Toshkent, Uzbequistão


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