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Videógrafo Nout Peper de Enschede, Holanda - He walks in the room - their lives change forever, wedding
Videógrafo Nout Peper de Enschede, Holanda - They Built a Private Festival for their Wedding!, wedding
Videógrafo Nout Peper de Enschede, Holanda - He goes on a pilgrimage - finds her, wedding

They Built a Private Festival for their Wedding!

It started with a photo booth, then a giant party tent, and then a movie screen...

The wishlist for this wedding kept growing, eventually turning into a complete festival ground.

It was more than worth it. Romance, family, and a celebration that lasted until the sun came up: this day had it all.
·3 042 vistas·#wedding
Videographer Nout Peper
Enschede, Holanda


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