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- Video 12
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Fascia di prezzo:Premium
Le fotocamere che utilizzo: Sony Telecamera, DJI Drone.
Savvas Njovu Christides is Zambian born raised in Cyprus. From his beginning in music production the leap to Cinematography came naturally as he first became a virtuoso in Post Production mainly in editing, colouring digital sound and image mastering. His need to express through sound and images is the driving force that pushes him to new fields and heights. Through cadetship in various industries (Television, Audio Studios, Film Studios), he has honed his skill set in traditional set techniques and combined with his wide knowledge of many audio visual fields both practical and technical and his modernist art sensibilities, has allowed him to provide a wide range of story telling tools.
Membro WEVSY.COM dal 8 febbraio 2017
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