Videographer Charalampos  Tsairidis

Videographer Charalampos Tsairidis

Numero di vincite nel contest principale
Video del giorno
Scelti dell'editore
Numero di vincite nelle battaglie della settimana
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Su di me

Fascia di prezzo:Standard
Le fotocamere che utilizzo: Sony DSLR, Sony Telecamera, Sony Mirrorless, Sony Cinema.
Charalampos Tsairidis was born in Thessaloniki in 1970. He graduated from High school in 1989. He has studied piano, accordion and vocals at the Kyriakidis School and the Contemporary Music School. In 2010, he studied cinematography at Akmi Institute of Vocational Training in Thessaloniki,specializing in editing. In 2011, he attended to a cinema seminar with Roberto Balasko and in 2016 to a seminar about direction, screenplay and cinema theory organized by Filmfabrik Productions. From 1993 to 1996 he has worked as an insurance consultant. From 1993 to 2003 he worked as promotion manager and business planing. Combining latest cinematography equipment and years of experience he started working as a cinematographer in the commercial and wedding industry.He also specialized in video editing fashion and advertising.He is manager and owner of Filmetron providing filmmaking and editing services.
Membro WEVSY.COM dal 21 luglio 2018