Videographer Andrea Tricarico

Videographer Andrea Tricarico

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Su di me

Fascia di prezzo:Premium
Le fotocamere che utilizzo: Panasonic Mirrorless.
I remember the afternoons watching collection of the 80s and 90s VHS. This is how I grew up and I learned the Seventh Art.
I am madly in love with stories and I find that movies are the most complete way to tell them. You can see, You can listen, You can totally immerse yourself in other lives and universes: Cinema for me is simply magic.
Everything I experienced and tried is reported in my Wedding Films. By choosing me, You will not only choose an expert technician, but You will choose my point of view, my story of your story. I think, in fact, that the Wedding Day is one of the highest emotions of life, where sensations are at their maximum and every moment is unique and that's why I love this job. I get emotioned with You in front of the love I see in your eyes and what I hear in your words.
Every Wedding Film is a different honor and emotion for me. My mission is to be your discreet narrator and the witness of your love in the most authentic possible way.
Membro WEVSY.COM dal 15 marzo 2017