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Videografo killa wijaya da Bali, Indonesia - ADIT & MAYA's WEDDING, wedding
Videografo killa wijaya da Bali, Indonesia - JIAYIN & RUIDI WEDDING//BALI, wedding
Videografo killa wijaya da Bali, Indonesia - Yair & Claudia //One Decade Down, Forever to Go, anniversary, wedding
Videografo killa wijaya da Bali, Indonesia - Bobby & Rachel, wedding


Adit & Maya’s Wedding

“God will bring the right person into your life at the the right time”
-Shanon L. Alder-

Filming the wedding of wedding filmmaker was not just a challenge but also very intresting because adit as a videographer already knew how to react in front of the camera ???????????? (easier for me to direct????).as a friend i knew that Adit is a very humble person and little bit crazy ????, and he is good at filmmaking.by the way Adit & Maya found each other from matchmaking app, after their first movie date, they thought they were right to each other even though they forgot the date they first dated.
It was happy for me to filming your wedding day, beautiful wedding in a beautiful place with close friend and family....
·3.555 visite·#wedding
Videografo killa wijaya
Bali, Indonesia


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