283 / 906
Video del giorno
7 ottobre 2019
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
14 — 20 marzo 2020
Scelti dell'editore
Scelti dell'editore
Mi Piace
CY & Jessy Prewedding Film Love Story
It is amazing how you walk into my life and be part of my magical adventure,
They said it's doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.
I want to travel the world with you,
Visiting more and more cities while creating more memories.
I want to walk with you on whatever path we take,
Just like "The Promise" we made.
They said it's doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.
I want to travel the world with you,
Visiting more and more cities while creating more memories.
I want to walk with you on whatever path we take,
Just like "The Promise" we made.