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Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Tango Pasion, musical video, training video
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Video portrait Ekaterina., musical video, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - The opening of the largest in Russia Ferris wheel (30.06.12)., advertising, event, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Anastasiya&Igor Wedding Clip (10.11.12), event, wedding
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Svetlana&Karen Wedding Clip (03.11.12), event, wedding
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Ninel&Igor Wedding Clip (06.10.12), event, wedding
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Sergey&Valeriya Wedding Clip (27.10.12), event, wedding
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - The day of the Birth and Christening of Levon, baby, event, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Dance clip Dance Studio YourLife -Get Up, advertising, musical video, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Stepan&Maria Wedding Clip (19.10.12), event, musical video, wedding
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - "Moremoll", Sochi (08.03.13)., event, musical video, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Sofia, baby, event, reporting
Videografo Дмитрий Ангелов da Soči, Russia - Saша&Maшa Wedding Clip (12.10.12), event, wedding

Sergey&Valeriya Wedding Clip (27.10.12)

Russia, Sochi, UPStudio vk.com/upstudiosochi
8 (961) 580-34-41 8 (918) 611-37-09
Professional Photo and Video.
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