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Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Il Prete", wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Love is a Matter of Three" (Prague), anniversary, baby
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Ave María", wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Under the Bridges of Paris", engagement
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Autoclasica Love Story", engagement, invitation, wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - “Now You Can”, engagement, event, wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - “Of Parents, Sons & Grandsons”, wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "Once", engagement, wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - “Prelude”, engagement, wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore da Roma, Italia - "So Quiet", wedding

“Of Parents, Sons & Grandsons”

REAL&SHORT presents YLENIA and GIUSEPPE in "Of Parents, Sons & Grandsons"
a Wedding Film by ALEJANDRO CALORE - Cinematography by ALEJANDRO CALORE - Music Composed by NINO ROTA - Still Photography by FRANCO RAINERI - Aditional Photography by FERDINANDO PEDA MUSOLINO - Edited by ALEJANDRO CALORE - Story by YLENIA and GIUSEPPE - Directed by ALEJANDRO CALORE - Shot on location at CHIESA SANTA MARIA ODIGITRIA, RC, ITALY - Shot in collaboration with DEMETRIO CARACCIOLO - Coming soon
·5.818 visite·#wedding
Videografo Alejandro Calore
Roma, Italia


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