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Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Una storia di Venezia | Ewelina + Mateusz | Destination Wedding Video WhiteStory, engagement, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Into Your Heart | Kate + Takuma | International Wedding Video WhiteStory, engagement, event, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - My heart beating, my soul breathing | Serena + Kamil | International wedding video WhiteStory, event, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Weronika & Grzegorz | Emotions, engagement, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Iza & Kamil London story, engagement, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Iza & Kamil, engagement
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Martha & Martin  |  Österreich, engagement, wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory | da Cracovia, Polonia - Sycyly Karolina & Artur, engagement

Martha & Martin | Österreich

Marriage like in fairy tale - the dream of every young couple! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in a fulfilling your wedding dream. We had the pleasure to take part in a unique ceremony in which a young couple Martha and Martin told a sacramental "Yes." Picturesque hills rising above the Austrian lake Wörthersee, created a picturesque atmosphere, and sun's rays dancing on the water's surface, stressed the uniqueness of these beautiful moments. This is the perfect outdoor wedding not just for a photographer, but also for the bride and groom. We invite you to watch the wedding video which captures the warm feeling and a great joy.
·17.119 visite·#engagement#wedding
Videografo | WhiteStory |
Cracovia, Polonia


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