173 / 3.133
Videografo Luigi Rainone da Napoli, Italia - Wedding in Amalfi Coast- Julia e Ilio, drone-video, showreel, wedding
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
06 — 12 marzo 2024
Videografo Camera Folks da Varsavia, Polonia - Julia & Justin | Venice, drone-video, musical video, showreel, wedding
Videografo Vadim Kazak da Ekaterinburg, Russia - Игорь и Аня, humour, musical video, reporting, showreel, wedding
Videografo Foto&Film | by ProduccionsMC da Berga, Spagna - Foto&Film - Promo WEB, drone-video, engagement, event, showreel
Videografo Deus Weddings da Belgrado, Serbia - SARAJEVO WEDDING HIGHLIGHT M+M, drone-video, event, musical video, showreel, wedding
Videografo Luna Videostudio da Valencia, Spagna - On my Mind, showreel
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
19 — 25 luglio 2024
Videografo Love Way Studio da Kielce, Polonia - Urszula & Kamil | Wedding near Krakow | Wedding Session at Popiel Palace in Kurozwęki, drone-video, reporting, showreel, wedding
Video del giorno
30 dicembre 2023
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
04 — 10 febbraio 2024
Scelti dell'editore
Videografo Philip London da Londra, Regno Unito - Batty Langley’s Hotel - Wilton’s Music Hall Wedding - London, engagement, event, showreel, wedding
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
29 gennaio — 04 febbraio 2024
Videografo Darius Cornean da Oradea, Romania - A Magical Love Story Chronicles, SDE, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding
Videografo Love Way Studio da Kielce, Polonia - Aleksandra & Mateusz | Humanist Wedding, drone-video, musical video, reporting, showreel, wedding
Videografo Excellentfilms da Łódź, Polonia - Wedding showreel 2023, showreel, wedding
Videografo Gabor Kiss da Budapest, Ungheria - Sophie & Beni Wedding Highlights, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding
Videografo Orpaz Berger da Haifa, Israele - 2023 Showreel, showreel
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
19 — 25 luglio 2024

Urszula & Kamil | Wedding near Krakow | Wedding Session at Popiel Palace in Kurozwęki

Ceremonia ślubna Uli i Kamila, która miała miejsce w małym kościele w Dąbrowie Szlacheckiej, była niezwykle intymna, co wynikało z faktu, że ślub prowadzili zaprzyjaźnieni księża, a najbliżsi goście uroczystości mieli okazję wziąć udział w czytaniach. To wyjątkowe podejście sprawiło, że cała ceremonia była bardziej osobista, a emocje para młoda mogła przeżywać w otoczeniu najbliższych przyjaciół i rodziny.

Film przenosi widza także na parkiet weselny, gdzie z każdą godziną atmosfera stawała się coraz bardziej ekscytująca dzięki energii Dj i Wodzirej Matiash. Muzyczny duet doskonale wprowadził atmosferę zabawy, co sprawiło, że goście bawili się do białego rana. Widzowie mają okazję zobaczyć najgorętsze momenty wesela, zapisane w filmie, które przypominają, jak ważne jest dzielenie radości z najbliższymi, w tak radosnym dniu.

Plener, który odbył się w odrestaurowanym Pałacu Popielów w Kurozwękach, dodaje filmowi dodatkowego uroku. Piękno otaczającego krajobrazu i atmosfera zabytkowego miejsca doskonale podkreślają romantyczny charakter całego wydarzenia.

Film ze ślubu Uli i Kamila to podróż przez emocje, radość i miłość, które towarzyszyły temu niezwykłemu wydarzeniu. To nie tylko zapis ceremonii, ale także prawdziwa opowieść o tym, jak ważne są chwile przeżywane w otoczeniu najbliższych osób.

The wedding ceremony of Ula and Kamil, which took place in a small church in Dąbrowa Szlachecka, was exceptionally intimate. This was due to the fact that the ceremony was led by close priests, and the closest guests had the opportunity to participate in the readings. This unique approach made the entire ceremony more personal, allowing the young couple to experience the emotions surrounded by their closest friends and family.

The film also takes the viewer to the dance floor, where with each passing hour, the atmosphere becomes more exciting thanks to the energy of DJ and Master of Ceremonies Matiash. The musical duo perfectly set the mood for the celebration, making the guests dance until the early morning. Viewers have the opportunity to see the hottest moments of the wedding captured in the film, reminding us of how important it is to share joy with loved ones on such a joyful day.

The outdoor session, held at the restored Popiel Palace in Kurozwęki, adds an extra charm to the film. The beauty of the surrounding landscape and the atmosphere of the historic place perfectly emphasize the romantic character of the entire event.

The film from Ula and Kamil's wedding is a journey through emotions, joy, and love that accompanied this extraordinary event. It is not just a recording of the ceremony but a true story about how important the moments shared with loved ones are.
Videografo Love Way Studio
Kielce, Polonia


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Scelti dell'editore

Video del giorno
30 gennaio 2025
Scelti dell'editore
Mi Piace
Videografo ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ da Parigi, Francia - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
Video del giorno
8 dicembre 2023
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
03 — 09 gennaio 2025
Scelti dell'editore
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Videografo Anthony Venitis da Atene, Grecia - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
Video del giorno
11 febbraio 2024
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
05 — 11 marzo 2024
Scelti dell'editore
Mi Piace
Videografo Art & Roses Films da Bucarest, Romania - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Video del giorno
5 febbraio 2024
Scelti dell'editore
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Videografo Deux drôles  D’oiseaux da Parigi, Francia - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
Video del giorno
13 febbraio 2024
Scelti dell'editore
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Videografo Aaron Kracke da Boston, Stati Uniti - Emily & Tommy, wedding
Videografo Aaron Kracke
(Boston, Stati Uniti)
Video del giorno
22 febbraio 2024
Scelti dell'editore
Mi Piace
Videografo Art & Roses Films da Bucarest, Romania - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding