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Videografo Kara Films da Montréal, Canada - Sunset, My Love | Marianne & Yannick's Wedding Film, Lac Poulin, Qc, wedding
Videografo Kara Films da Montréal, Canada - Love never dies! Johanne & André's Intimate Wedding Anniversary Film | Ritz Carlton Montréal, Qc, wedding
Videografo Kara Films da Montréal, Canada - Let's get married on our rooftop! Ariane & Ryan's Intimate Wedding Film | Old Port of Montreal, Qc, wedding

Love never dies! Johanne & André's Intimate Wedding Anniversary Film | Ritz Carlton Montréal, Qc

What a beautiful celebration! 40 years of marriage for Johanne & André. Proof that love can triumph and endure over time. Choosing each other every day and loving each other more and more. Congratulations lovers and thank you for this beautiful proof of love for a whole generation to come!

BRAVO à toute l'équipe derrière ?
Photographe : @jessicasamynphotographe
Robe : @dreamityourselfmontreal
Habit : @blandindelloye
Planification : Jessica Samyn & @simplementnous (Rebecca Mathieu)
MUA : @maxinegauthiermua
Cheveux : @hairbydominiquepoliseno
Fleurs : @alavieauvertcreationsflorales
Voiture : @throwbacktours
Vidéaste : @karafilms
Lieu : @ritzcarltonMontreal
Mannequins : @johanneboerio & @shiplacommande (André Samyn)
·1.437 visite·#wedding
Videografo Kara Films
Montréal, Canada


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