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Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - KARO + BENE | WEDDING STORY, reporting, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - WEDDING VIDEO SESSION INSTACLIP, event, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - Patricia + Martin | Wedding Highlights, reporting, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - ANIA / MACIEJ, drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - ILONA + KAMIL | CHASING FIRE, corporate video, drone-video, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - Ola & Adam | Love in Vysoké Tatry | Wedding Highlights, drone-video, reporting, wedding
Videografo Studio Moments da Varsavia, Polonia - KASIA + FILIP | WEDDING TRAILER, drone-video, reporting, wedding


When Karo wrote us a message on Instagram for the first time, we knew immediately that this wedding would be special. Werne is a beautiful and charming place in Germany in which we fell in love instantly after our arrival. Karo and Bene surprised everyone with the idea that both the ceremony and the wedding reception would take place in two separate churches, the first of which is the Church of St. Christopher in Werne and the other is the Eventkirche Dortmund - a temple that was once a regular church and nowadays it's an awesome wedding venue! Wow!
·1.725 visite·#reporting#wedding
Studio Studio Moments
Varsavia, Polonia


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