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Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - Russian killers!!!, reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - Russia attacked Ukraine, reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - Пленные россияне призывают сбросить путина и извиняются перед украинцами, reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - «Мама, я на Украине в плену», reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - "Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй", reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk da Černivci, Ucraina - STOP WAR IN UKRAINE, reporting

«Мама, я на Украине в плену»

WEVA belongs to russian people who support Putin blood regime. They stand away from principles of truth freedom and piece. By air, land, and sea, Russia has launched a devastating attack on Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people. Its forces are bombing city centres and closing in on the capital, Kyiv, prompting a mass exodus of refugees. Dear friends you now have a great opportunity to show your support not only to Ukraine but to all who stands for principles of Truth Freedom and piece! boycott this site show your clear position. Don't be the ones who work with Putin's war machine.
·1.893 visite·#reporting
Videografo Oleh Melnyk
Černivci, Ucraina


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