3 / 11
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - At the water’s edge, engagement, event, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - love is within us, engagement, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - esthetics, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - Touch, engagement, reporting, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - native, engagement, reporting, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - Renat and Arina, reporting, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - Vlad and Masha, engagement, reporting, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - Egor and Natali, engagement, reporting, wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov da Ul'janovsk, Russia - Evgeny and Alexandra, engagement, reporting, wedding


·2.074 visite·#wedding
Videografo Alexander Efremov
Ul'janovsk, Russia


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    • Eliminato SMIR & PROKOPIENKO Pawel Smyrnow
      Russian people, don't support Putin, He's a barbarian who kills innocent people and wants a worldwide war. Think about what the world will think about you as a nation. Everyone will hate you. I'm sorry for you as I know a lot of you are nice people.