4 / 12
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - James and Kerri, drone-video, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Crystal and Derek | Destination Wedding in Tulum, drone-video, wedding
Vincitore della battaglia della settimana
23 — 29 novembre 2020
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Dans Leurs Regards | Intimate Couple Shooting, advertising, engagement, musical video, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - FOREVER | Engagement in Rome, anniversary, engagement, invitation, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - The end of one is now beginning, drone-video, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Was I dreaming? | Engagement in Sicily, anniversary, engagement, invitation, musical video, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Millones de días andando a tu lado | Engagement en Guanajuato, anniversary, engagement, musical video, wedding
Video del giorno
22 luglio 2020
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Parole nel Bosco | Wedding into the Wood, drone-video, event, musical video, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Zdravko e Elitsa | Orthodox Wedding in Rome, engagement, event, wedding
Videografo Andrea Tricarico da Roma, Italia - Find Me | Wedding Inspiration, advertising, engagement, event, showreel, wedding

FOREVER | Engagement in Rome

We had the honor to tell the story of the proposal of Joao to Carolina, a Portuguese couple that came to visit Rome a couple of weeks ago.
He was anxious about the organization of the proposal and Carolina's reaction was touching: her immense love for Joao found its way through her eyes and Joao welcomed her into his protective arms.
Here is the story of our afternoon together, a show that has moved us and that will continue to do every time we'll look at this video.
Videografo Andrea Tricarico
Roma, Italia


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