16 / 25
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31 marzo 2014
Videografo Atheaton Films da Chania, Grecia - Stelios & Maria, I follow you, Highlights film 4min, wedding
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4 febbraio 2014
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3 febbraio 2014
Videografo Atheaton Films da Chania, Grecia - Stathis & Ioanna - Best Moments, wedding
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18 gennaio 2014
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8 gennaio 2014
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25 gennaio 2014
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5 gennaio 2014
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Videografo Atheaton Films da Chania, Grecia - Leonidas & Chrysanthi - Best Moments, wedding
Video del giorno
18 gennaio 2014

Wedding in Santorini

Santorini is the best place to take any kind of photo! Anywhere you look there is a beautiful background ready for you to place your subject.
In this case my subject where Henry & Catherine a glamorous couple from China.

Special thanks goes to secretplanner.net one of the best wedding planner.
Also special thanks to mr Roger Tan who is an amazing destination photographer from Malaysia and posed the couple for us.

We wish you a happy life and I really thank you for your trust.
·31.716 visite·#wedding
Studio Atheaton Films
Chania, Grecia


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