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- Videos 15
About me
Price range:Premium
My cameras which I use: Sony Mirrorless, Canon DSLR.
Creator de povesti
Imi place sa creez povesti,in viziunea mea ..., trairile pe care le am atunci cand intalnesc oameni indragostiti, incerc sa le transpun prin obiectivul camerei de filmat,cu emotie,cu calm, cu ceea ce simt.
I like to create stories, in my view ... the experiences I have when I meet people in love, I try to translate them through the camera lens with emotion, calmness, with what I feel.
I like to create stories, in my view ... the experiences I have when I meet people in love, I try to translate them through the camera lens with emotion, calmness, with what I feel.
Member WEVSY.COM since 4 mars 2019
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