Videographer Florin Tircea

Videographer Florin Tircea

Number of winnings in Main Contests
Videos of the day
Editors' choice
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Total score for top 20 videos for the last two years

About me

Price range:Standard
My cameras which I use: Panasonic Mirrorless.
Ma numesc Florin Tircea, sunt videograf de eveniment din Constanta si transpun in imagini emotia evenimentelor importante din viata oamenilor, trairile acestora, privirile pline de iubire si entuziasm, momentele incarcate de vibratie pozitiva, toate la un loc formand o adevarata poveste pe care o vor privi ani la rand cu aceeasi emotie din ziua evenimentului.
My name is Florin Tircea, I'm an event videographer from Constanta and I translate into images the emotion of important events in people's lives, their experiences, their eyes full of love and enthusiasm, the moments charged with positive vibration, all in one place forming a true story that they will watch years in a row with the same emotion from the day of the event.
Member WEVSY.COM since 8 janvier 2020