7,155 / 10,757
Videographer Vibe Video from Salerne, Italie - Amalfi in Love, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Nicolas Sevastre from Bucarest, Roumanie - AM&C│Wedding Highlights, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer SUAR Intense Wedding Films from Kielce, Pologne - SUAR // TRAILER. Agata + Łukasz, drone-video, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
09 — 15/septembre/2019
Videographer Luis Silva from Faro, Portugal - // F + C // Highlights, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
23 — 29/juillet/2019
Videographer Stefan Dobre FILMS from Bucarest, Roumanie - Heroes | Wedding highlights, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
06 — 12/août/2019
Videographer Kirill Savitsky from Minsk, Biélorussie - Генрих и София / инстаклип, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Videographer Danilo Gangemi from Novare, Italie - il tuo cuore esiste nel mio..., drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Vasileios Tsirakidis from Archipel de Santorin, Grèce - Rise in Love | Yasmina & Daniel, drone-video, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Videographer Nemanja Petrović from Belgrade, Serbie - Royal Baptism - Princ Stefan (Official video) 4K, SDE, baby, drone-video, event, musical video
Videographer MADE Production from Kirovohrad, Ukraine - Lviv wedding story teaser, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Arturo Ursus from Tbilissi, Géorgie - Fall in Love (my best of 2018), anniversary, corporate video, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Artem  Eliseev from Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie - Ich liebe dich || love story, drone-video, engagement, musical video, reporting
Videographer Олег  Романюк from Rivne, Ukraine - Wedding // M+W, SDE, drone-video, wedding

il tuo cuore esiste nel mio...

non temo il fato
perchè il mio fato sei tu
il tuo cuore lo porto con me
lo porto nel mio
non me ne divido mai
dove vado io vieni anche tu
mio amato
qualsiasi cosa sia fatta da me la fai anche tu
non voglio un mondo
perchè il mio mondo
il più bello, il più vero
sei tu
questo è il nostro segreto profondo
radice di tutte le radici
germoglio di tutti i germogli
e cielo dei cieli
di un albero chiamato vita
che cresce più in alto di quanto l'anima spera
e la mente nasconde
questa è la meraviglia che le stelle separa
il tuo cuore esiste nel mio
Videographer Danilo Gangemi
Novare, Italie


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Editors' choice

Video of the day
30 janvier 2025
Editors' choice
Videographer ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ from Paris, France - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
Video of the day
8 décembre 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
03 — 09/janvier/2025
Editors' choice
Videographer Anthony Venitis from Athènes, Grèce - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
11 février 2024
Winner of the Battle of the week
05 — 11/mars/2024
Editors' choice
Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
5 février 2024
Editors' choice
Videographer Deux Drôles d’oiseaux from Paris, France - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
Video of the day
13 février 2024
Editors' choice
Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, États-Unis - Emily & Tommy, wedding
Videographer Aaron Kracke
(Boston, États-Unis)
Video of the day
22 février 2024
Editors' choice
Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding